This program offers a complete training system for the dedicated horse riders, and supports them in developing themselves as far as their individual potential goes. Using a holistic perspective, backed by modern psychology, neuroscience and epigenetics, this course will give you tools to evaporate inner blocks holding you back in the saddle, and strengthen your capacity to perform like no other training system available online.
During this course you will not just get tools how to train your horse, or how to shape up your physical body (work your core, stretch your hips... we’ve heard it) but also to investigate what your horse is already reacting to - your thoughts, your focus span, your emotional structure, how you generate sensation, your inner stress management - it will go all the way down to your very nervous system and how you subconsciously deal with pressure, to ensure you connect to your horse in a whole new,
more joyful, way.
It’s next level.
Let’s begin:
If you make it to this module we guarantee there are real life enhancing qualities waiting for you to be experienced. It might sound hard to deal with messy stress, to stay calm and focused under pressure, wherever that happens for you, but we’ve got you. Find the recipe to perform under pressure, without the stress. It is more than possible. For everyone.
We start with the horse. In this part of the program you will receive a system to help you holistically and correctly progress your horse through the levels of dressage. Step by step. This knowledge is nothing for a selected few, it’s straight forward, and it’s for every horse and every rider. In it lies the foundation of what’s required of us riders in order to direct the horse where we want to go.
In this module we tap into where you are today, and go through some simple tools to figure out where you would actually like to be, plus why you aren’t already experiencing that level. We also clean up any inner cobweb that might take unnecessary thoughts or energy from you in the saddle, and focus it back to where it’s better used for you and your horse...
It’s getting more interesting, just bare with us.
Now it’s getting more interesting. In this phase we’re investigating what actually drives and direct you in the saddle. (It might not be what you’re consciously thinking it is.) We’re also dealing with your senses. To feel what’s going on for our horses is an important quality in order to make our horses comfortably perform. And we can influence how we sense our horses. It might also start to get challenging here for some of you. But if it does, we promise you have gold to find at the end of our loving (but possibly confronting) exercises!
High achievers, this part is for you. We don’t want you to just be fine with pressure. We want you to thrive under it!
Here we offer you to dive deep and allow you to transform the parts of you that currently experience stress, shuts down, gets clumsy, avoids, lacks motivation or energy, and turn those parts into a confident performance master - full of enthusiasm and capacity.
You can thank us later <3
What you’ll learn
To connect to your authentic, most powerful, motivations and plow through to the next level without using more effort.
To understand the impact of your unique subconscious mind, where it redirects your focus - and give the reins back to your conscious thoughts.
To prepare your body for the few, but potent, body work exercises you need to master a top rider’s seat.
Simple but powerful tools to better understand your horse - and yourself.
A system for holistic horse training to systematically and sustainably progress your horse in the sport of dressage - without compromising his wellbeing for performance.
Organise the mess. Unentangle what causes stress and exchange tensions for enthusiasm, wether you’re going for a hack or competition!